Case Study: Improving Security at a Multi-Site Church through Risk Assessment


A multi-site church with locations in different geographical areas faced a challenge in maintaining security due to having only one security manager. One of the sites was also located close to a park with a lot of drug and gang activity, which created additional security risks. They needed guidance on how to address vulnerabilities across all three sites and overcome the security risks associated with one of their churches.


Kingswood Security was brought in to help the church address their security vulnerabilities. We conducted a comprehensive risk assessment of all three sites and identified vulnerabilities that could be addressed through a centralized security plan. Our approach followed the principles of risk assessment, including identifying assets, threats, vulnerabilities, and potential consequences. 

During the risk assessment process, we also identified ways to train and mentor the security manager. We provided guidance on best practices for security management and helped them develop the necessary skills and knowledge to manage security at all three sites. We also provided guidance on how to address the security risks associated with their church close to drug and gang activity. This included implementing additional security measures and developing a plan for collaborating with local law enforcement.


By following our guidance, the church was able to improve their security posture and create safer environments for their congregants. The security manager was better qualified and educated, and the centralized security plan enabled them to address vulnerabilities across all three sites more effectively. The additional security measures implemented in response to the nearby church with drug and gang activity also helped reduce the security risks associated with that location.


Working with Kingswood Security, helped the multi-site church improve their security posture and create safer environments for their congregants. Our guidance and support helped the church identify vulnerabilities and develop a centralized security plan that addressed security risks across all three sites, including the additional security risks associated with the nearby drug and gang activity.